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6×K19 6×K36 Compacted Steel Wire Rope

Compacted steel wire rope refers to the wire rope which has undergone a special process. In order to increases the contact area of all strands.

Rope Structure

6×K19 6×K36 IWRC FC Wire Rope

Strength Grade

1570, 1670, 1770, 1870, 1960, 2160

Rope Diameter

10mm to 60mm


Hoisting rope for vertical shafts, rotary drilling rig, excavating machinery, ship crane etc.

Main Features Of Compacted Steel Wire Rope

Compacted steel wire rope features of high strength, flexibility, and durability. Accordingly, these kind of ropes undergoing the special design compacting process. Therefore, it increases the contact area of all strands. At the same time, becoming a denser and more robust structure.

1.High breaking strength. By the time, very stabile rope construction with good fatigue properties.
2.Very high resistance against flattening and wear.
3.Wear-resistant, anti-seismic and stable in operation at high speed.
4.Due to the good corrosion resistance, so it can working in the harsh environment of various harmful media.
5.Good softness, suitable for traction, pulling, binding and other purposes.

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6x19 6x26 6x36 Compacted Swaged Wire Rope, EIPS IWRC Compacted Rotation-Resistant Wire Rope

Rope Diameter
Rope Reference Weight
Rope Grade
1570 1670 1770 1870 1960 2160
Steel Wire Rope Minimum Breaking Force (kN)
10 42.5 46.5 58.6 65.2 62.3 69.3 66 73.5 69.8 77.6 73.1 81.3 80.6 89.6
12 61.2 67 84.3 93.8 89.7 99.8 95.1 106 100 112 105 117 116 129
14 83.3 91.1 115 128 122 136 129 144 137 152 143 159 158 176
16 109 119 150 167 159 177 169 188 179 199 187 208 206 230
18 138 151 190 211 202 225 214 288 226 251 237 264 261 290
20 170 186 234 261 249 277 264 294 279 310 292 325 322 359
22 206 225 283 315 301 335 320 356 338 376 354 394 390 434
24 245 268 337 375 359 399 380 423 402 447 421 469 464 516
26 287 314 396 440 421 469 446 497 472 525 494 550 545 606
28 333 365 459 511 488 543 518 576 547 608 573 638 632 703
30 383 419 527 586 561 624 594 661 628 698 658 732 725 807
32 435 476 600 667 638 710 676 752 714 795 749 833 825 918
34 491 538 677 753 720 801 763 849 806 897 845 940 931 1040
36 551 603 758 844 807 898 856 952 904 1010 947 1050 1040 1160


Cranes: Compact construction provides greater strength and resistance to bending fatigue.
Offshore and marine: For use in mooring lines, tow lines and riser tensioning systems.
Mining: In mining operations where heavy loads lifting and transporting. Due to the strength and durability such as transport hoist ropes etc.
Oil and Gas Industry: Using in drilling operations, lifting equipment. As well as various offshore applications due to their sturdiness.
Construction: In construction applications such as tower cranes and ropeways. Besides, using to lift heavy materials and equipment safely and efficiently.

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