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6×7 Class General Purpose Wire Rope

This 6×7 class wteel wire rope construction using where ropes are dragged on the ground or over rollers. The perfect resistance to wear and abrasion are important factors.

Rope Structure

6×7+FC, 6×7+IWRC, 6×7+WSC


Galvanized/ Bright

Nominal Diameter

6mm~64mm (Customize)


Excellent abrasion resistance; less bending fatigue resistance

6×7 Class Wire Rope Size

A 6×7 class steel wire rope refers to a specific construction of wire rope. Features of six strands with seven wires in each strand. It is a flexible and relatively simple construction. Simultaneously it suitable for a variety of lifting, pulling, and tensioning applications.

6x7 Fibre Core Wire Rope, wire ropes - 6x7, 6x19, and 6x37 Classifications, mining wire rope manufacturers

6×7+FC (Fiber Core)
Flexibility, because its fiber core, bright or galvanized wire rope has excellent flexibility. So it suitable for applications requiring bending and winding.
6×7+IWRC (Steel Core)
Higher strength, and with steel core, has higher breaking strength and load-bearing capacity, suitable for heavy-duty applications.
6×7+WSC (Steel Core)
High flexibility and good flexibility as well as bendability. So that suitable for intricate movements or tight spaces.

6×36WS IWRC, Galvanized Steel Wire Rope Cable, galv steel wire rope manufacturer wire rope manufacturers in china

6×7 or 6x9W Class Wire Rope Specifications

In general, teel wire ropes are fundamental tools in various industries. Especially, providing crucial support in lifting, towing, and suspension applications.
Among the diverse array of wire rope configurations, 6×7 stands out for its balance of flexibility and durability.

6x7 fc, 6x7 iwrc, 6x7 wsc wire rope, iwrc wire rope, steel cable lifting, crane wire ropes, 6×7 Class Wire Rope

Rope Diameter
Rope Grade
1570 1670 1770 1870 1960
Minimum Breaking Forece (kN)
6 13.7 15.1 18.8 20.3 20.0 21.6 21.2 22.9 22.4 24.2 23.4 25.3
7 18.6 20.6 25.5 27.6 27.2 29.4 28.8 31.1 30.4 32.9 31.9 34.5
8 24.3 26.9 33.4 36.1 35.5 38.4 376 40.7 39.7 43.0 41.6 45.0
9 30.8 34.0 42.2 45.7 44.9 48.6 47.6 51.5 50.3 54.4 52.7 57.0
10 38.0 42.0 52.1 56.4 55.4 60.0 58.8 63.5 62.1 67.1 65.1 70.4
11 46.0 50.8 63.1 68.2 67.1 72.5 71.1 76.9 75.1 81.2 78.7 85.1
12 54.7 60.5 75.1 81.2 79.8 86.3 84.6 91.5 89.4 96.7 93.7 101
13 64.2 71.0 88.1 95.3 93.7 101.0 99.3 107 105 113 110 119
14 74.5 82.3 102 110 109 118 115 125 122 132 128 138
16 97.3 108 133 144 142 153 150 163 159 172 167 180
18 123 136 169 183 180 194 190 206 201 218 211 228
20 152 168 208 225 222 240 235 254 248 269 260 281
22 184 203 252 273 268 290 284 308 300 325 315 341
24 219 242 300 325 319 345 338 366 358 387 375 405
26 257 284 352 381 375 405 397 430 420 454 440 476
28 298 329 409 442 435 470 461 498 487 526 510 552

*Notes: Support customize OEM, ODM steel wire rope according to different usages and needs.

Main Fatures of 6×7 Class Steel Wire Rope

  • Abrasion Resistance: The rope featues for its excellent abrasion resistance. In this way, making it suitable for applications where wear and tear are significant concerns.
  • Bending Fatigue Resistance: It has less resistance to bending fatigue comparing to other types of wire ropes. Which means it may not perform as well under repeat bending stresses.
  • Construction: The rope designing with 6 strands, each containing 7 wires. Besides, designing with either a fiber core (FC) or a wire strand core (WSC), which is suitable for general applications.

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  • Lay Direction: The rope manufacturing with either a regular or Lang lay. Therefore, affects its handling and performance characteristics.
  • Finish: It is available in bright or galvanized finish, which can enhance its corrosion resistance and durability.
  • Flexibility and Installation Ease: The rope describing as soft and easy to install. So as to enhances its applicability in various settings.



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