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6X36 IWRC Wire Rope Galvanized

The 6×36 IWRC wire rope is a flexible purpose general engineering wire rope. Available with either FC (fibre core) or IWRC (independent wire rope core).

Rope Construction

6×36WS-IWRC, 6×36WS-FC

Rope Nominal Diameter



GB/T20118, EN, GOST, API

Strength Grade

1570Mpa, 1770Mpa, 1960Mpa, 2160Mpa


Galvanized / Bright

6X36 IWRC Wire Rope Structure

The 6×36 galvanized wire rope is a flexible purpose general engineering wire rope. Making of standard 6 strand, round strand ropes with 36 wires per strand.
Besides, it available with either FC (fibre core) or IWRC (independent wire rope core). Galvanized or ungalvanized treatment.

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Main Advantages

High Strength and Heavy Load Capacity:

  • Designing with the indepentednt steel core and large number of wires. Therefore, providing greater strength, durability, and resistance to crushing. Doubtedly it can handle higher loads and tension without compromising safety.

Flexibility & Versatility:

  • After all the balance between strength and flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. For example for cranes, elevators, winches, and marine uses, etc.

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Cost-Effective, Long Life:

  • Because of its resistance to abrasion, crushing, and fatigue. Therefore it also offers a longer operational life. Especially comparing to other wire ropes with fewer wires or fiber cores.

6×36 IWRC Wire Rope Specifications

6x19 seale wire rope, 6×36 steel wire rope, 6x26 steel cable, galvanized wire rope cable, 6x19-iwrc, 6x19-fc, 6x36ws-iwrc

Rope Diameter
1570 1670 1770 1870 1960 2160
Minimum Breaking Forece (kN)
10 38.0 41.8 51.8 55.9 55.1 59.5 58.4 63 61.7 66.6 64.7 69.8 71.3 76.9
11 46.0 50.6 62.7 67.6 66.7 71.9 70.7 76.2 74.7 80.6 78.3 84.4 86.2 93.0
12 54.7 60.2 74.6 80.5 79.4 85.6 84.1 90.7 88.9 96.0 93.1 100 103 111
13 64.2 70.6 87.6 94.5 93.1 100 98.7 106 104 113 109 118 120 130
14 74.5 81.9 102 110 108 117 114 124 121 130 127 137 140 151
16 97.3 107 133 143 141 152 150 161 158 170 166 179 182 197
18 123 135 168 181 179 193 189 204 200 216 210 226 231 249
20 152 167 207 224 220 238 234 252 247 266 259 279 285 308
22 184 202 251 271 267 288 283 305 299 322 313 338 345 372
24 219 241 298 322 317 342 336 363 355 382 373 402 411 443
26 257 283 350 378 373 402 395 426 417 450 437 472 482 520
28 298 328 406 438 432 466 458 494 484 522 507 547 559 603
30 342 376 466 503 496 535 526 567 555 599 582 628 642 692
32 389 428 531 572 564 609 598 645 632 682 662 715 730 787

Application Of 6×36 IWRC Rope

Crane Ropes —— Mobile Cranes, Tower Cranes, and Overhead Cranes, etc.

Winches Ropes —— Widely using in winches for pulling, hoisting. As well as towing operations in construction, industrial, marine.

Elevators and Hoists Ropes —— Apply in elevator hoisting cables. Also use in hoists in factories and warehouses for heavy lifting.

Marine and Offshore Ropes —— Perfect for offshore rigs, mooring lines, and shipboard machinery.

Mining & Drilling Rigs Ropes —— Suitable for mining hoists and oilfield drilling applications and other mining operations.
As well as Construction and Heavy Lifting
Bridges and Cableways…

6x36 iwrc wire rope, specifications steel cable manufacturers steel cable breaking strength



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